Save The Bees
Recent evidence suggests that 49 eastern North American bee species are in decline, including ground nesters, stem and cavity nesters, narrow host-plant specialists, and brood parasites. The most significant threats to bees. The most pressing threats to long-term bee survival include: Climate change.
Also, a recent, chilling study by Dr. Hannelie Human of the University of Pretoria’s Department of Entomology and Zoology shows that 70% of South Africa’s migratory bees have been lost. The number of beekeepers is also dwindling, and this is exacerbating the crisis.
In fact, the bees world-wide are in danger and are being affected by a number of causes including but not limited to Climate Change, use of chemicals and pesticides and deforestation.
Bees Die, We Die – Albert Einstein
Einstein: “If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.”
We will commit to donating R1 for each bottle sold to a recognized fee association that focuses on helping bee farmers.
The increased use of pesticides to kill insects also paralyze or even kill bees and is one of the greatest threats to bees in modern times.

Activities such as agriculture and deforestation will destroy bee’s natural habitats resulting in fewer bees in the effected area.
Climate Change
Activities such as agriculture and deforestation will destroy bee’s natural habitats resulting in fewer bees in the effected area.

We will commit to donating R1 for each bottle sold to a recognized fee association that focuses on helping bee farmers.